Trail Pass to Bishop Pass, June 2014
We made camp in a meadow that was the exact spot where I camped on my 2008 long distance trek on the PCT.
Here's my dinner. I make all my own backpacking food these days. I eat a grain-free diet and try to get a lot of protein. As far as I'm concerned, meat and fat is real food and everything else is just stop-gap until you can get real food.
This dinner is actually not that tasty. It's dried pulled pork and various veggies like dehydrated cooked carrots, Just Veggies, dried
Charlotte Lake. It was beautiful here but we weren't finding any campsites as we walked along the lake. We met a couple of thru-hikers who had been so enticed by the lake they had climbed straight down from the PCT to get to it and take a dip. They were sunbathing on a rock.
We decided to just fill up our water bottles and try to find a place to camp part way back up the hill.
I found this little nook for my tent. I was very warm here and the soft pine needle duff was so comfy to sleep on. I slept great.
As usual on this hike I miscalculated my food. I took a little out of each meal so I'd have enough meals for every day. Also because of the bear canister, I only could carry so much food so I had no treats or snacks. I had only breakfast, lunch and dinner and nothing more. These were my foods, all cold, no-cook, rehydrated for a few hours in a small plastic
The descent was pretty tricky. We were up here around 8:30AM and the snow was iced over. Fortunately we had our crampons. Even with the crampons it was tricky. The snow was vertical and there were many places where we had to climb down rocks, which isn't easy with crampons on. But we were with a huge group of thru-hikers and it was a ton of fun finding our way down.
This is Short Skirt and Loooonnnnggg Jacket taking a picture of Mather Pass. They were a really nice couple from Canada
I woke up at the first sound of birds (probably 5:00AM) and made the final climb to Dusy Basin. I decided I would have breakfast up here by this nice lake. Man I was hungry! It was a lot further and a lot more strenuous to Dusy Basin than I expected. It was also extremely cold up here. I had to put on all my down and fleece just to have breakfast.
I think Dusy Basin is one of the prettiest places I've ever been, and I've only ever been here alone. There is this nice lake surrounded by a
The cliffs are just gorgeous. In 2008 I was so scared, lonely and hungry that I bailed off the PCT over this pass. I stared at those cliffs with resolve thinking that if the trail was going to make me climb over them to get out, I would do it.
As I continued along the trail I met up with a thru-hiker who had used Bishop Pass for a resupply. He complained that it was so cold. He was hiking in flip-flops and bare feet! Later on going up the pass, which is all sandy toward the very top, I
The rest of the way down the valley was uneventful. I didn't take anymore pictures.
Once I reached the parking lot I tried to wash a little of the stink and sweat off. I asked the first person I saw if he was going to Bishop and if he had room for me. He said yes and took me to Bishop. Once there, I went to the nearest outfitter and asked about the bus to Lone Pine. It was leaving in 20 minutes so I ran as fast as I could to the bus stop and just made it in time. Forty-five minutes or